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DNSPod十问Matt Overman:二维码真的代替域名了吗?

日前,Donuts注册局高级副总裁Matt Overman接受:腾讯云中小企业产品中心总经理吴洪声专访,以下为专访实录。

日前,Donuts注册局高级副总裁Matt Overman接受:腾讯云中小企业产品中心总经理吴洪声专访,以下为专访实录。


Matt Overman(SVP):Donuts注册局高级副总裁,Matt负责领导域名货币化和高级域名市场。曾任NameJet总经理,领导其成为域名行业龙头拍卖市场。

Matt Overman(SVP):  Senior Vice President of  Donuts,Matt led Rightside’s monetization and premium domain sales business. Matt previously served as General Manager of NameJet, establishing it as the premier auction marketplace in the domain name industry.



Hongsheng Wu(Well known as Bra in domain industry), General Manager of Tencent Cloud SMB Product Center, Founder of DNSPod, Inc., Founder of Yangcong.com, expert in cybersecurity, domain and DNS, well-known personal webmaster, alumni of China Europe International Business School.




Matt Overman:Donuts是全球最大的新顶级域名注册管理机构。我们的目标是通过域名和相关技术,简化和联接一个分散的线上世界,使人们和企业可以建立营销和拥有自己的数字信息系统。我们拥有27个由中国工业和信息化部批准的新顶级域名,这是所有注册管理机构中最多的。我们计划在2020年获得更多批准。

Hongsheng Wu:Can you describe about Donuts?

Matt Overman:Donuts is the registry operator of the world’s largest portfolio of new top-level domains. We aim to simplify and connect a fragmented online world with domain names and related technologies that allow people and businesses to build, market and own their digital identities. We have 27 new top-level domain names approved by China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, which is the most of any registry. We plan to have more approved in 2020.



Matt Overman:我是Matt Overman,现任Donuts销售高级副总裁。我2005年加入域名行业,为一家专注于域名收购的公司工作。我在Donuts收购Rightside注册局时,加入Donuts。在此之前,我的工作涉及域名行业很多领域,从域名收购到域名销售,再到域名停放,还有运营域名拍卖平台NameJet。

如果我今天才进入这个行业,我一定会加入DNAcademy.com。迈克尔·赛格(Michael Cyger)出色地引导了新的域名投资者,了解域名的价值以及有效买卖域名的技巧。

Hongsheng Wu:Please introduce yourself. And how did you enter the domain name industry?

Matt Overman:My name is Matt Overman and I am currently the Senior Vice President of Sales at Donuts. I joined the domain industry in 2005, working for a company that was focused on domain name acquisitions. I joined Donuts when they acquired Rightside Registry in 2017. Before that, I had jobs ranging from domain acquisitions to domain sales to domain parking, as well as running the domain name auction platform NameJet.

If I was entering the industry today, I would definitely join DNAcademy.com. Michael Cyger does a great job educating new domain investors on the value of domain names and tricks for effectively buying and selling domains.



Matt Overman:.LIVE和.GAMES是我最喜欢的两个顶级域。这两个顶级域在游戏社区中都非常流行,并且随着在线游戏越来越成为主流,它们具有很大的潜力。我相信这个行业还处于起步阶段,所有形式的视频直播内容都将在游戏的带动下继续增长。

Hongsheng Wu:What other TLDs you like most beside “.com”?

Matt Overman:.LIVE and .GAMES are my two favorite TLDs.  Both TLDs are very popular within the gaming community and have a lot of potential as online gaming grows more and more mainstream. I believe that the industry is still in it’s very early days and that all forms of live video content will continue to grow, led by gaming.



Matt Overman:我最近发现两个有趣的故事是:



Hongsheng Wu:Do you have any memorable domain name stories to share?

Matt Overman:Two recent stories that I find interesting are:

The largest blockchain-based streaming platform in the world, Dlive, just acquired D.live to use in linking to their user profile pages. Dlive is used for gaming live streams all over the world, including by the largest Youtube star PewDiePie.

The founders of Instagram started a Covid-19 informational site using the valuable letter-letter .LIVE domain, RT.live. .LIVE continues to be Donuts largest TLD and still one of our fastest growing.



Matt Overman:在过去的十年里,中国市场是非常独特和有趣的,值得关注和参与。这对全球域名市场的发展也具有十分重要的意义。基于中国的投资行为以及中国大公司的域名选择,短字母域名和数字域名(LL,NN,LLL,NNN)的需求总体呈显著增长趋势。


Hongsheng Wu:As we all know, China’s domain name industry has experienced ups and downs, and it is a very special market worldwide. How do you view the development of the Chinese domain name market in the past decade, in your personal perspective?

Matt Overman:The Chinese market has Been very unique and interesting to follow and participate in over the past decade. It has also Been very important to the development of the global domain name market. Demand for shorter domains (LL, NN, LLL, NNN) and numeric domains in general grew significantly, based on both Chinese investment behavior as well as domain name choices made by large Chinese companies.

The declines in Chinese domain market since 2017 have shifted some of the attention away but it hasn’t made it a less important part of the global domain market. There is now more emphasis on domains being sold to and used by SMBs and enterprises and not just as an asset or store of value. I think the Chinese market will continue to grow and in the long term, be a healthier domain market.



Matt Overman:如果所需的域名被占用,而注册人不愿意考虑其他选择,则可以在许多优质的购买服务和经纪人服务的帮助下获得青睐的域名。

Hongsheng Wu:The domain name you like or you plan to use has already been registered. How do registrants should handle this issue?

Matt Overman:If the desired domain is taken and the registrant is unwilling to consider another option, there are many great buy services and brokers available to assist with acquiring the domain of choice.



Matt Overman :Donuts专注于将高质量的顶级域名后缀带到中国市场,这样用户就可以继续为自己或业务需求找到最佳的域名。.Ltd一直是中国市场上最成功的顶级域名,因为它几乎适用于所有的企业,无论大小。Donuts通过各种各样的活动支持众多的投资者和企业,如:1.定期搜索收集域名应用案例,通过Donuts官方微信公众号和注册商媒体渠道进行宣传和传播;2.与供应商合作组织活动,包括获奖主题活动、抽奖和捆绑应用服务;3.与注册商合作,策划针对特定客户群体的定制促销活动。

Hongsheng Wu:How to attract more users to use domain names offered by Donuts among hundreds of TLDs? Why has .Ltd become the focus of attention, and what efforts you have done about it?

Matt Overman:Donuts is focused on bringing quality TLDs to the Chinese market so that users can continue to find the best domain name for their individual or business needs. .LTD has been the most successful TLD in the Chinese market because it applies to almost every business, small or large. Donuts supports the many investors and businesses that have embraced .LTD through various activities like 1. regularly search and collect domain name application cases to publicize and disseminate through Donuts’ official WeChat account and registrar’s media channels; 2. In conjunction with providers, organize events that include prize winning theme activities, lucky draws and bundle application services and 3. cooperate with registrars to curate custom promotions to target specific customer segments.



Matt Overman:我完全不同意这种想法。二维码在报价、快速获取信息和现在的支付方面都很有效,但二维码仍然主要局限于移动设备的使用。移动互联网是解决用户在手机上快速反应的解决方案,而随着互联网成为一个全球性的概念,移动互联网只是其中的一部分。另一方面,域名的优势是可以更广泛地覆盖全球并为用户建立网站。网站可以广泛用于市场营销活动,不仅为用户提供他们正在寻找的信息,而且还为用户提供他们会记住的品牌。域名是网站、公司品牌、自定义电子邮件地址等的基础。



Hongsheng Wu:In recent years, with the development of mobile Internet and mobile payment through QR code, there is an opinion in China that the investment value in domain name will return to Zero. What do you think about this opinion? Do you support this view?

Matt Overman:I do not agree with this thinking at all. QR codes work well for offers, quick access to information and now payments…but QR codes are still primarily limited to mobile device use. Mobile Internet is the solution to users’ quick response needed on their mobile phones, and since Internet becomes a global concept nowadays, mobile Internet is just one part of them. Domains on the other hand, have the advantage of more global reach and of building a destination for users.  Domains can be used effectively for marketing campaigns, providing users not only with the information they are seeking but also providing the user with a brand they will remember. Domains are also the foundation for websites, company branding, custom email addresses and more.

Even with platforms like Facebook or WeChat, individuals and businesses still need their own web presence where the branding and user experience is not controlled by another company.

Domains are assets that can be sold and traded. The fact that they store value makes them very different from QR codes. So while QR codes serve an important purpose for marketing campaigns targeting mobile users, they can never replace domain names.



Matt Overman:腾讯云是一家庞大的互联网云服务提供商,多年来已经证明它提供了高质量的产品。它为开发者和企业提供云服务、数据和其他集成的一站式解决方案。他们专注于企业客户的云服务经验正是Donuts在中国发展所需的成熟合作伙伴类型。我们对与腾讯云的合作持乐观态度,希望我们的顶级域名能够通过腾讯云被更多企业的认可和使用。

Hongsheng Wu:How do you feel about working with Tencent Cloud, do you have any suggestions for better cooperation in the future?

Matt Overman:Tencent cloud is a massive Internet cloud service provider and has proven for many years that it provides high quality products. It provides developers and enterprises with cloud services, data and other integrated one-stop solutions. Their experience in cloud services focused on enterprise customers is exactly the type of established partner that Donuts needs to grow in China. We are optimistic about cooperating with Tencent cloud hope that our TLDs can be more deeply recognized and utilized by enterprises through Tencent cloud.



Matt Overman:关注单个域名后缀的质量,而不是特定的某个顶级域名,因为域名保有量并不能说明全部情况。投资高质量的关键字组合和短域名(L,N,LL,NN)。

Hongsheng Wu:Do you have any suggestions for investment in domain name business in 2020?

Matt Overman:Focus on the quality of the individual domain and less on a particular TLD, as DUM counts do not tell the full story. Invest in quality keyword combinations and short (L, N, LL, NN) domains.​​​​

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