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service description

1)根据ICANN在2018年5月17日颁布的《通用顶级域名注册数据临时规范政策》和欧盟通用数据保护条例(GDPR)合规要求, 您可以通过提交以下信息内容联系域名持有者,管理联系人以及技术联系人。

1)In accordance with the Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data adopted by ICANN on May 17, 2018, and in compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), you may contact the domain name registrant, administrative contact, and technical contact by submitting the following information.

2)我司仅提供邮件转发服务,我司对收件人是否会邮件回复您不做出任何形式的保证。我司不对您填写的以下内容做出保证, 不对邮件内容的准确性,完整性承担任何法律责任。如对收件人造成影响,请您自行承担相应责任。 包括但不限于发送垃圾邮件,发送其他的滥用邮件。

2)Our company only provides email forwarding services and does not make any form of guarantee that the recipient will reply to your email. Our company does not vouch for the content you fill in below, nor do we assume any legal responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the email content. Should there be any impact on the recipient, you agree to bear the corresponding responsibility, including but not limited to sending spam or other abusive emails.

3)鉴于网络通信的不确定性,您的以下内容可能无法准确或及时送达至收件人,不排除被拦截的可能, 您同意此类问题以及造成的其他后果均与我司无关,由您自行承担。

3)Given the uncertainties of online communication, the content you provide below may not be delivered accurately or promptly to the recipient, and there is a possibility of interception. You agree that such issues and any other consequences are not our company's responsibility and are to be borne by you.


4)If you encounter a domain name managed by another registrar, please contact the respective domain registrar.


filling contents

Domain Name

Contact Email

Your Name

Your Email



